Managing Your Car Messes

When you have a busy life, keeping your car in good condition can feel like quite the feat. I started thinking more seriously about what I could do to move forward and avoid issues with my vehicle, but it felt incredibly overwhelming. I began working towards managing the messes instead of trying to eradicate them altogether, and I felt like my efforts were really helping. Within a few weeks, my car was cleaner and more organized, even though there were still a few things laying around. My blog is here to help others to create a more organized space without overhauling your entire life.

About To Go On A First Date? Make A Great Impression With A Full Car Wash


If you have been planning a first date and want to do everything that you can to get ready, you should consider going in for a car wash to make sure your vehicle looks amazing. While you could wash it on your own, you will benefit from the attention to detail that professionals provide.

Although a basic car wash may make your vehicle look pretty clean, you should consider going above and beyond to guarantee that you show up on your first date with a spotless car.


When you pick up your date and start driving around, you will both be looking out the windows. So, it makes sense that you should get a car wash service that cleans the windows thoroughly. To enjoy a thorough cleaning, you will need to make sure both the inside and outside will be cleaned.


Cleaning the interior is where things can get tricky because there are so many aspects to this part of the car. For instance, you should make sure that the floor mats and carpeting are cleaned because you do not want your shoes or your date's shoes getting dirty from inside your vehicle.

The dash and console should be dusted because your date will be spending time in the front seat where they will have a front row view of these features. Also, making sure the seats will get a deep vacuuming is ideal because you do not want any dirt or crumbs on your date's seat.


A newer car with a fresh car wash will help the paint job stand out, but you should not forget to pay attention to the tires and wheels. A complete car wash service will make sure the tires look shiny and the wheels are free of any road debris that can take away the chrome or alloy shine.

Air Freshener

After getting a car wash, you may feel confident about your car smelling decent enough. However, you can also play it safe by getting air freshener service for your vehicle. You will likely have various options such as vanilla, cherry, and new car scent. If you know what kind of scents or flavors your date likes, you may be able to pick an air freshener that matches their tastes.

Heading to a car wash before going on a first date will give you confidence and help you make an excellent impression. Talk to a company like Quick Quack Car Wash to learn more.


20 February 2019