Managing Your Car Messes

When you have a busy life, keeping your car in good condition can feel like quite the feat. I started thinking more seriously about what I could do to move forward and avoid issues with my vehicle, but it felt incredibly overwhelming. I began working towards managing the messes instead of trying to eradicate them altogether, and I felt like my efforts were really helping. Within a few weeks, my car was cleaner and more organized, even though there were still a few things laying around. My blog is here to help others to create a more organized space without overhauling your entire life.

Dealing With A Breakdown On The Highway


If you have a car that breaks down on the road, there are some things you can do to stay safe and get the car off the road. While no one wants to break down with their vehicle, if you are prepared to deal with whatever comes up, that will make the situation a little easier. 

Get Your Car off the Road

If the car is still running and you can get it off the road or to an exit, it is a good idea to do so. Pull into a parking lot of a business if there is one near you, and park the car out of the flow of traffic.

If the vehicle is not safe to drive, get it as far off the shoulder as you can. If the car stops running, coast off the road as quickly and as safely as you can. You do not want the car to stop in traffic, so it is crucial that you use the brakes as little as you can until it is safe to stop the car completely. Be careful, too, as you move across traffic. When you get to the shoulder of the road, shut the power off and secure the car.

Get Your Car to the Repair Shop

Once the car is safely off the road, you will need to find a way to get the car into the shop for repairs. Calling a tow service to take the car in is the best option, but if the shop is close by, you may be able to drive the car safely to the shop yourself. You may be able to get a car dolly and a truck to tow the car to the shop on your own. However, the time and cost involved may cost just as much as just calling a tow service to help you. 

Get Your Car Repaired

Once the car is in the shop, the technician can determine what is wrong with it and make the repairs you need. The technician will need you to describe the breakdown for them so they know where to start looking for problems. 

There are a lot of things that can cause your car to stop running suddenly, but most repair shops have the diagnostic equipment to determine the problem quickly and get your vehicle back on the road. If the damage to the car is extensive, it may take more time to make the repairs properly, so talk to the technician about what repairs are needed and how much they will cost.

For more information on auto repairs, contact a local company.


13 December 2019